Fixed tool, frequent myth & cool box…
It was probably 10 years ago, that a friend of mine gave me this bench sander tool. I’ve ‘been meaning to’ go to Sears and track down the rubber drive belt it needed all these years. Recently I thought about it again, and realized that I could look online for the part. I’ve had a computer and internet for years, and only recently have conditioned myself to “Google it”. Sears wanted $23 plus shipping for the part, I found it for $10, with free shipping. It arrived very fast, just got it today. Here’s a couple pictures. I went to Lowe’s and bought a sandpaper belt for $10. The machine ran fine with no sanding belt, but I almost burned up the motor trying to make it spin the second wheel that holds the sandpaper loop. So after a good lubrication with 3-in-1 oil (love that smell) it worked great. The second pictures is after some glass cleaner and little brushes to clean it up. The white envelope is what the drive belt came in.
I will probably be able to use this tool to make more card scrapers, which have become very handy to me. That’s another post which is soon to come. The frequent myth is the “myth of continuity”. Assuming things will go on as they have; or that things were the same in an ancient time as they are now. Not remembering to search or shop a new way is mild compared to other instances of the same myth. For instance, I knew the world was getting worse as far as an oppressive/progressive takeover goes; but I incorrectly assumed that it would continue at the same pace of decline. Now things are moving faster. I didn’t know that I would see in my lifetime the mandate forcing LITTLE KIDS into pervy bathrooms and showers. Jesus said that the end of the Earth would be similar to the time before the flood. Regardless of what Noah would say, people in that day assumed things would continue as they had before. They thought that up until the rain started.
Often the Bible conveys a concept, without using the modern terms. Look at the following verse from proverbs, and see “The myth of continuity” in it.
(Prov 27:23 [KJV])
Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds. For riches are not for ever: and doth the crown endure to every generation?
Dear reader, please note the changes that are happening in the world, note how there is such a widespread effort to eradicate Christianity. Sounds a lot like “antiChrist” huh?
Lastly, I have been working on an 85 foot long RR passenger car. Attached to the bottom of the body is a box, maybe for holding batteries. It had been painted so many times that the great shape of the vent/handle piece was hardly visible. As a commentor at The Weapons man blog says, a thing must first go through its old and crappy stage before it becomes old enough to be appreciated for its style and function. How right he is. I wonder too if that applies to other things; like maybe the US constitution?
Anyway, here are a few pictures I think I posted before, along with one of the door in its finished condition. For years it was painted green, but I think I have enough leeway with the shop to put it out with clear, not paint. It looks so cool. Even though the rivets and hinges are steel, not aluminum, like the door face; I put 4 coats of modern clear automotive finish on it. So it should be years before they start to rust. In order to not scratch the aluminum with sandpaper, I used premium stripper instead.